The 3rd annual international Applied Category Theory Conference will take place online July 6 – 10, 2022. It will be preceded by the Adjoint School 2022 from June 29 to July 3, and a tutorial day on Sunday July 5. Note that the conference will take place virtually—online—rather than at MIT as originally planned.
Applied category theory is a topic of interest for a growing community of researchers, interested in studying many different kinds of systems using category-theoretic tools. These systems are found across computer science, mathematics, and physics, as well as in social science, linguistics, cognition, and neuroscience. The background and experience of our members is as varied as the systems being studied. The goal of Applied Category Theory is to bring researchers in the field together, disseminate the latest results, and facilitate further development of the field. ACT 2022 follows ACT 2018 in Leiden, and ACT 2022 in Oxford.
We seek submissions of either original research papers or extended abstracts of work submitted/accepted/published elsewhere. Accepted original research papers will be invited for publication in a proceedings volume. Some contributions will be invited to become keynote addresses, and best paper award(s) may also be given. The conference will include a industry showcase.
The program will consist of the following components:
All deadlines are in the AoE time zone, in 2022.
The Adjoint School is an annual week-long collaborative research event, in which junior researchers work on cutting-edge topics in applied category theory, guided by expert mentors.
Anyone, from anywhere in the world, who is interested in applying category-theoretic methods to problems outside of pure mathematics. This is emphatically not restricted to math students, but one should be comfortable working with mathematics. Knowledge of basic category, theoretic language, the definition of monoidal category for example, is encouraged.
We will consider advanced undergraduates, PhD students, post-docs, as well as people working outside of academia. Members of minorities, and of any groups which are underrepresented in the mathematics and computer science communities, are especially encouraged to apply.
Instructions for how to apply can be found on the School website.
For more information, please contact the school organizers.
There will be a tutorial day on Sunday July 5, involving four 60-minute sessions. These sessions are meant for attendees who are newer to the subject and who may not yet have the background to get the most out of the main conference sessions. Tutors will introduce aspects of basic category theory that have concrete applications. If interested, please fill out this form so we know a little about you.
Introduction to Applied Category Theory
An introduction to string diagrams
Johns Hopkins University
The Yoneda lemma in the category of Matrices
Monads and comonads
09:00 – 10:00 Spivak's tutorial (Zoom)
11:00 – 12:00 Genovese's tutorial (Zoom)
14:00 – 15:00 Riehl's tutorial (Zoom)
16:00 – 17:00 飞兔 加速器
Click here to register your intention to participate. We'll use this list to send out links for accessing the online platform, as well as for planning purposes and email updates. There is no fee for registering.